Dengy got tired of papparazzi at his zoo, snapping pics of him all day
long and kids throwing peanuts at him while he was chewing on some
It was time for an escape. He packed his big nuts and a stash of herb
and escaped the zoo at night.
His goal? Infiltrate the Boys Club and just kick it with the boys. He
found them and got accepted as soon as he shared his stash. Now he’s
chilling, living the real life. Come join him, let’s vibe.
CA: 0x420b230986edb467013f923a2b9118b77afa8e67
There is a total of 100 Billions token
No tax on buy/sell of the token.
The Liquidity Pools is burned
The contract of the token is Renounced
Create a MetaMask wallet
Buy some ETH on an exchange and send it to your MetaMask wallet.
Go to an Ethereum-based DEX, such as Uniswap, and swap your ETH for
We have ZERO taxes!